An Adventure to Regain My Sense of Humor

Archive for March, 2000

  • Beijing, China

    March 29, 2000 I will join my alma mater, Oberlin College Alumni tour of China for 3 weeks. After a very comfortable journey, I arrived in Beijing to find a shiny new modern airport – could have been anywhere until I got out of baggage. First, I went to change money. In the middle of […]

  • Seattle, Washington

    Saturday, March 25 My friend Lily and I explored downtown Seattle. It’s an international port city with a famous space needle and fun market along the waterfront. We happened to catch a Rhythm Festival at the Seattle Center. All the hippy dippies came out to drum and dance. It reminded me a bit of college. […]

  • Alta, Utah for skiing

    Sunday, March 19 I have decided that if you have to change planes in a city, you might as well stop off and enjoy it. So I had lunch in Chicago with an old friend and went to visit the Chicago Institute of Fine Art. I have never seen such an enormous collection of impressionists […]

  • Washington DC

    Saturday, March 18 I spent the day with my sister, Tanya who looked so great and full of life. It was really wonderful to see her. She decorated my suitcase for me – now I wont miss it in the airports and no one will dare steal it! Tanya’s work of art!

  • NYC

    I stay with my godmother for the first 3 days. Her name is Mary Yates Wallace and I was named after her. Imitation is the ultimate form of flattery. One always hears that New York is such a happening place. Well, I hadn’t been in town for 24 hours when I shook hands with a […]